QPF takes out National Broker of the Year Award – 20112011
QPF were very proud to receive the Capital Finance Australia’s National Broker of the Year award at a recent event in Sydney NSW.
Capital Finance (CFAL) is Australia’s largest independent financier and a subsidiary of Lloyds Bank TSB (UK). Their 2011 Dealer of the Year gala award dinner was held at the Intercontinental Hotel in August with Finance Brokers from all across Australia.
These prestigious awards are judged on a number of criteria including; volume of business written; profitability; ease of doing business; and advocacy.
QPF’s Andrew Crain graciously accepted the award on behalf of the Group from CFAL’s Craig Edwards and sees this as a great example of the Group’s success in aligning with Lenders who share the Group’s core values. “QPF has long held a strong relationship with Capital Finance and it is indeed both a great honour and pleasure to receive this award on behalf of our dedicated staff and brokers.”
With such a solid partnership with one of Australia’s leading lending companies, Andrew is positive about the future, “We are excited to be receiving this recognition in our industry and are looking forward to working with CFAL for many years to come.”