Combat Cyber Attacks
In recent months Australia was hit with a range of Cyber Attacks that severely impacted both Government and business.
“There’s a very good reason that Cyber security has been identified as the number one global business risk and that is because such incidents are becoming more frequent and their impact can have devastating consequences,” says Adrian Kitchin, Managing Director of Resilium.
Unlike the stereotypical robber who physically steals property, Cyber criminals are able to use technology to steal identities and or disable a company with just a few clicks of their keyboard.
Unfortunately, some business owners only realise the value of Cyber security when it is already too late.
In addition to enlisting Cyber security protection from a reputable provider, many businesses are also including Cyber Insurance as an integral part of their insurance profile.
Here are seven steps that can help safeguard your business from a Cyber Attack:
ID Authentication – Consider using extra security measures like multi-factor ID authentication for portable devices like laptops, iPhones and iPads.
Conduct ‘safe web browsing’ – don’t click on things that look suspicious. Always check the URL and whether it’s from a trusted sender.
Email security is vital – Do not use your personal email for work purposes, never open attachments on unfamiliar emails, don’t click on any suspicious links within emails and consider the email itself as to whether the links look strange or there are spelling/grammatical errors.
Password protection – Avoid common passwords which include seasons, city names, pet names, family names. Consider using full sentence passphrases with numbers or symbols (i.e. WelcomeToHome2018!)
Lock up important business materials – Don’t leave papers, computers or other electronic devices visible in an empty car or house.
Shred sensitive paper records before disposing of them – Cyber criminals aren’t just behind a computer screen and will go through bins to find personal data.
Cyber insurance – Talk to our Insurance Specialists today about how Cyber Insurance can give you peace of mind that your business will stay operational even if it has been breached by a cyber incident.
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