Experienced Equipment Finance Brokers
QPF Finance Group has been assisting businesses with equipment financing for more than 40 years.
Our team take the legwork out of finding the best deal in the marketplace across a range of industries including Mining and Construction, Farming and Ag, Trucks and Transport, Boating and Marine, Aviation, Hospitality, Printing and more.
If the asset is used to conduct your business operations, be it new or second hand, from a dealer or private vendor, we are able to assist with asset finance options.
What funding methods or products are available?
There are a number of different ways to finance your equipment purchases. At QPF we can help untangle the web of different products, terms and structures to provide you with clear options that suit your business needs.
We have access to, and experience with, all of the different funding methods available including Chattel Mortgage / Commercial Loan, Hire Purchase, Finance Lease, Rental Agreements, Operating Leases, Novated Leases, Lease Back and more!
*Indicative quote only and subject to approval. For business applicants only.
Lenders on our Panel
Settled each Month
Deals Settled each Month
Get Asset Finance For:
Other Business Equipment
If the asset is used within your business we can assist with business finance options, just give us a call!